As restrictions put in place by the Government in response to the Covid-19 pandemic have begun to ease, the Make Some Noise management team has been exploring the options available to try and ascertain when it will be safe for our delivery teams to recommence face-to-face group work with project participants. During the lockdown, we have successfully adapted our delivery strategy in order to deliver online services to many of our beneficiaries.
Safety of our team members and participants is paramount, and we continue to monitor Government and Public Health England advice, alongside advice from the young people’s sector (National Youth Association), and our funders and partners.
While easing of restrictions has seen large steps taken in the return to normal daily routines, the Government’s decision to pause further easing shows that there is still some way to go before we can ensure the safety of everyone we work with. Therefore, our conclusion is that current advice, coupled with the ever-present prospect of local lockdowns make it unsafe to relaunch our face-to-face services. However, we will strive to deliver online services to as many beneficiaries as possible until that time.
The Make Some Noise board of trustees and management team will continue to put the necessary steps in place to ensure that we are ready to resume our much-needed services as quickly as possible once we are given the all-clear to do so.