To celebrate our 20th birthday in July Make Some Noise launch a Crowdfunding campaign Song for Wellbeing and welcomes donations www.crowdfunder.co.uk/song-for-wellbeing
Recent statistics show that teenagers were much more likely to experience some form of depression during the pandemic. Mental health charity Young Minds reported that 80% of young people agreed that the coronavirus pandemic had made their mental health worse. This has led to increased feelings of anxiety, isolation, a loss of coping mechanisms or a loss of motivation.
We are creating the Song for Wellbeing campaign to support the local young people who have been suffering to find joy again. We want to help them recover from the impact of multiple lockdowns and celebrate their talent through giving them opportunities to express their feelings through music.
With £3000 we will be able produce a beautiful and unique Song for Wellbeing Journal bursting with tips and opportunities for song-writing and achieving wellbeing.
With your help our Song for Wellbeing crowdfunding fundraising campaign aims to generate well needed funds to enable us to produce a Song for Wellbeing Journal to support children and young people recovering from the impact of the coronavirus pandemic across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. Our Song for wellbeing journal will be distributed to over 1000 local young people (aged 12-18) as they recover from lockdown and celebrate their talent.
In addition, we will provide access to our online song-writing tutorials and create further opportunities for local singers and songwriters to submit songs for the Make Some Noise 20th anniversary commemorative album featuring original compositions from local singers/songwriters.
Chair of Make Some Noise, Nigel Senior commented:
“We are very excited about the upcoming Song for Wellbeing campaign and really aim to make a difference to local young people’s creativity and wellbeing. This is a very difficult time for many young people and we want to do our bit to support them as they recover from the past year. We are also hoping to unearth some budding local songwriters who will be able to take part in our anniversary album with their compositions! Please support our campaign as generously as you can.”
As a dedicated music charity we are proud that during our 20 years we have delivered over 120 free community music projects across deprived areas in Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent, engaging more than 50,000 children, young people and families. Groups include children in care, with special needs and disabilities and children who have poor access to music activities.
Working closely with our partner organisations including Staffordshire County Council, Stoke-on-Trent City Council, Tamworth Arts & Events and Stafford Music Festival we strive through our work to reduce isolation, build confidence, skills and increase wellbeing. This is particularly relevant in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic when mental health and wellbeing needs are at an all-time high.
Opportunity for local or regional businesses
To help us reach as many young people and have as wide an impact as possible, we are seeking sponsorship for the campaign which will help us underwrite costs. If you are interested in this is a unique opportunity please download our Corporate Sponsorship Proposal
Make Some Noise would like to thank:
- TR2 Creative for their generous design and print deal
- Stafford Lions for their generous donation
- Rotary Club of Stafford Castle for their generous donation
- Our 22 wonderful crowdfunder supporters for their pledges