
Book now Soundpots Online Early Years Music Conference Tickets

Hopefully there will be cause for celebration in summer 2021. It comes as no surprise that music has lifted the spirits of young children and parents during these difficult times. There is so much more that can be achieved through the power of music. Let’s ensure the ideas and skills from Soundpots, an award winning Early Years music delivery and training programme is shared with every early years settings in the Midlands. Why not join Make Some Noise, City of Stoke Music Service and partners for a practical and fun-packed day of training.

When: 9:30am – 3:30pm on Thursday 17 June 2021

Where: The Bridge Centre, Stoke-on-Trent ST2 8DD

The event is aimed at anyone who
has an interest in early years music making, speech, language and creative
learning. Take part in:

  • Practical
    skill sharing workshops
  • Discussions
    around the links between music, speech & language
  • Exploring
    innovative approaches to music participation

The format of the day will be a
combination of engaging talks, music and movement workshops and networking

Join our specialist keynotes who will
highlight some of the most effective repertoires that enable progression in
speech, language, engagement and musical skills.

To date, the Soundpots Team have
coordinated and delivered over 500 sessions with 1000+ children in Early Years
settings for the Soundpots programme. They have also provided training and
mentoring for over 200 Early Years practitioners.

Cat Crum, Programme Development Officer for Make Some Noise said:

“It has long since been recognised that from birth, children can relate to rhythm, tone and pulse, responding to music with keen attention and movement. We look forward to welcoming delegates to celebrate the success of the Soundpots programme and to share just how much fun music and movement is and how it can be used to help engage with young children and families to improve learning and development, build confidence and aid bonding.”

Tickets are £35 per setting (no limit on practitioners per setting).

The Soundpots programme is delivered with thanks to funding from the National Foundation for Youth Music, Arts Council England and the Sylvia Adams Foundation. This funding has also enabled the tickets to be heavily subsidised.