In the New Year, why not join Make Some Noise, City of Stoke Music Service and partners to celebrate Soundpots – an award winning Early Years music delivery and training programme.
When: Friday 19 January 2018
Where: The Bridge Centre, Stoke-on-Trent ST2 8DD
To date, the Soundpots Team have coordinated and delivered over 500 sessions with 1000+ children in Early Years settings for the Soundpots and Soundpots in the Baby Room programme. They have also provided training and mentoring for over 200 Early Years practitioners.
The format of the day will be a combination of engaging talks, music and movement workshops, trade stalls and networking opportunities.
Musical Story Telling with Sally Tonge
Sally, a popular Shropshire based storyteller, musician and community artist tells stories combined with music, and is especially skilled at working with young children, children with special and additional needs and people living with dementia and memory impairment.
Musical Creativity with Nancy Evans
Nancy, Director of Learning and Participation for Birmingham Contemporary Music Group BCMG and a freelance musician and trainer working in early years education will be discussing what to look for in children’s musical play and invites you to join her in small groups to create musical activity.
One Good Song: With Penny Barfield and Di Davies – Soundpots Team
Come and find out how to choose and use good repertoire to provide progression in speech and language, engagement and musical skills.
The Drum: With Lucy Vines and Angela Barker – Soundpots Team
This straightforward but versatile instrument has a key role in Soundpots music-making with 0-5’s. Using the drum you will explore singing, musical play, story-telling and musical conversations, and demonstrate how tapping into your own creativity and imagination can extend repertoire.
Cat Crum, Programme Development Officer for Make Some Noise said:
“It has long since been recognised that from birth, children can relate to rhythm, tone and pulse, responding to music with keen attention and movement. We look forward to welcoming delegates to celebrate the success of the Soundpots programme and to share just how much fun music and movement is and how it can be used to help engage with young children and families to improve learning and development, build confidence and aid bonding.”
Tickets are £35-£50 per delegate (including lunch).
BOOK NOW: cat@make-some-noise.com or visit: https://soundpots-conference2018.eventbrite.com
The Soundpots programme is delivered with thanks to funding from the national charity Youth Music